. ことわざ 裕福で病んでいるよりも、貧乏で健康のほうがいい。 it is better to be poor and healthy than to be rich and sick. 例文帳に追加 health is better than wealth.
四 文字 熟語 英語 かっこいい Harry Mathis from powharrymathis.blogspot.com
Be healthy both mentally and physically. Hoist your sail when the wind is fair. “ men do more things.
Be Healthy In Mind, Body And Spirit.
心に響く英語ことわざ(118)men do more things through habit than through reason. ことわざ 裕福で病んでいるよりも、貧乏で健康のほうがいい。 it is better to be poor and healthy than to be rich and sick. “ men do more things.
“ More Haste, Less Speed.
例文帳に追加 health is better than wealth. 得手(えて)に帆を揚げよ / 好機を逃すな(順風の時に帆を揚げよ) honest men marry soon, wise men not at all. 訳は「 急ぐほど、ゆっくりと 」 (急がば回れ) です.
Be Healthy Both Mentally And Physically.
Hoist your sail when the wind is fair. これは英語の格言です。health は「健康」という意味です。wealth は「財産」という意味です。“health is wealth.” で「健康は財産」。「健康には莫大なお金に匹敵する価値が.
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